[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Looks around for PKR

Wow, no PKR and that content still appears

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Stop bear baiting

So I’ve just confirmed who isnt Mystic

Too bad

OK just caught up just to clarify. Met had to be assassin since couple people didnt get redirected. Can i ask why i was thought to be MM for a bit?

Considering I was outed hunter D2 brilliant


Y e s

News flash, Margaret cracked the case!

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There’s only 2 scum right now so vote someone please

So how many people have posted since day start


not ever? Until King is elected?


This is a legitimate question btw

Im too lazy to look

On a side note, I’d say these two are likely cleared of being MM as I don’t think Meteoro would pull that shit with his own scum team as I don’t think he’s the kind of player who would distance this early.

Also Baz pardoning Met is pretty much TWTBAW, so I think he’s a legit Physician, if not a NK.


I am thinking we put up Ezreal or DatBird and lynch the other if we aren’t lynching Princess

I’m more partial to Ezreal due to his hit-and-run shade throwing, tbh.


to which?

Reminder to scum that I am not healing alice and they are wide open to attack. I am healing mathblade

Anything else that’s suspicious about Ezreal since you seem to be reading him?