[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Hello, yeah I’m here. FK after reading through ur whole debacle imo I would change it from game to game make it more impossible to read u.

impossible to read isn’t my goal

I want to overall be a

1.Fun person to play with, you would enjoy signing up with me.
2.Effective player, can scumhunt decently

I think u are both of those things already I enjoy the mystery

I’m not though
I’m talking about other sites

here it’s really easy, and that’s the problem. I’m so used to reading easy players I have trouble reading harder players even though I can sometimes do it decently I still mess up a lot

Well if you feel that you arent good at reading high skilled players, I dont know if segmenting all your skills per match will really help you, but more hinder you. I would use all your eggs in ur basket and try and become the best you by utilizing all of them.

And as for harder players the only way I see improving that is to try and get the best of the best here in a match with you, play a lot with harder people on other sites, or help others get to at least ur level to help you out by giving you some competition. Hey I’m trying my best here and sorry if I read like a open book.

Think trying the town bloc thing can work instead of constant reaction tests

maybe a few and there but eh

where tf is everyone else

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Marls going to be in the game as wellso

:frowning: Sads :frowning: The game needs more people.

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We had almost newbie majority in the last turbo

Priest are you town

Sadly yes


I kind of believe them

I’ll think about it in when I wake up.


Just when I roll good class and things go good I have to be rerolled into garbage

Hey, could I have your class from last game, I need some experience in being evil, I never managed to roll it

Here’s my class from last game
gives priestess CL

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Right, is it just me or does Priestess’ post have a LAMIST-y feel?

She’s spending a little bit too much time trying to get the point that she’s town across.

Just bored because of 2 rerolls and still not neutral >.>