[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!


Can anyone hear me?

No, sorry.

Am I reaped?

Yes sir you are reaped!

Who did you guys vote as king? I voted the amazing and handsome Ezreal :smiley:

Am female and this is sexism. Hang this.

I didn’t vote you, that’s for sure. Our little Mastermind.

Im a big boi >:(

What are you then, since you want us to vote for you?

Really handsome.

You are a Ezreal player, I would rather execute you.

Kindred otp but you know. Still really handsome

That’s even more disgusting, please uninstall.

Us Kindred otps are rare! >:(

This is the real MVP.

CuteAlch what rank are you. Btw your amazing for maining Kled!

You goddamn right I am.
I stopped playing but I used to be so good that I played it professionally
in Norway.

Us Kled mains are extremely hard to find.

Damnnn. I only played Overwatch prof for like 2 seasons. Im plat in lol tho.