[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

He died n2, so I haven’t had a chance to speak with him yet.

@Margaret your gamesolve?

@Alice that still seems fishy. But I can’t prove why it is so
Moving on

Heres the thing

It doesnt matter who you execute today

I already have the MM jailed

The NK is subliminal rn for 1 reason

They cant kill tonight

Hmmm, who did you jail n1? The NK didn’t seem to act that night so whoever you jailed may be the NK.


Glad you noticed

Then tell us who the MM is

And who you jailed N1


Want to know what they claimed


And ya know what i always do

Test drunks

I didnt action n2 and intentionally made me sound like a certain person

So the drunk is NK? And you know who MM is? Tell me who NK is I will occupie em

You cant occupy that NK

So…Then who did you jail?

A certain little individual

That starts with an M

Maxwell then I take it?

Since Metereo is dead.

Tell us!

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Why can’t we lynch the MM today?

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Hence why Margaret if prince can tell us and then just change their target

Alive People:

  1. Margaret - Prince
  2. Priestess - Social/Support
  3. CuteAlch - Princess King
  4. Frostwolf
  5. Maxwell - Neutral Killer
  6. Alice - Priest
  7. Mathblade - Hunter - Confirmed
  8. DatBird
  9. Cupcakeaj2
  10. Ezrealoflaw - Butler
  11. Isaac
  12. Bazinga - Physician

1 MM, 1 NK, 1-2 Neuts, 1 Prince, 1 Sheriff, 1 Mystic, 5-6 BD