[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

It’s Cupcake and Ezreal

I’ll give the Mystic 20 mins to telepathy or I will grandtrial Ezreal.

Do you think Ezrael is the Mastermind? We try to get the MM first

Yes, I think that is the case.
If he isn’t the mastermind, Cupcake is.
The way he tried to hit and run on my Princess claim made me really susp of him.

Hm. He did try to get Alice to confirm his Occupy as he didn’t know that she can’t confirm this. For me this is a townslip.

or Ezreal can be a hell of a player trying to confuse us.

I think trying to get the suspicion on us two, as it wasn’t clear yet that there is no scum pair alive, is more town than not.

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@EzrealOfLaw Why didn’t you try to throw shade on alice as you occed her and there were not enough deaths?

I wonder the same…

A warning has been issued.

For the record, there are no informed spectators this game, to prevent further reroll fiasco’s lul.

Isaac, DatBird and Cupcake hasn’t claimed yet. One of them is BD while the two others are MM/NK?

Accused Votes Count
Alice Bazingaboy, EzrealOfLaw 2/7
EzrealOfLaw CuteAlch :crown:, Alice 3/7
Isaac_Gonzalez Maxwell, Bazingaboy 2/7

Please bold your votes. It makes it harder for us to miss them.

I’m gonna read over everything and decide on something.

After reading through everything, I have made the desicion to grand trial Isaac. Isaac is normally the loudest person ever, but now he is very quiet. I believe he is doing treason against my court and I can’t accept that. I therefore put Isaac Gonzales on the grand stand and he may provide a defense for the court.
/Grand Trial Isaac

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Assuming that Hjasik is indeed possessed and changed role flip upon death and Met is legit starter Assassin then convert and MM are still alive indeed.

As I said before, Ezreal is not member of Unseen meaning he isn’t converted from N1.

CuteAlch, The King, has declared a grand trial. @Isaac_Gonzalez, you have been brought to trial and must provide a defense. The players may then vote to either execute or pardon you.

I must go to work now, so the first post that Isaac makes counts as a defense. If he doesn’t post, consider 12 hours his limit of providing one.

Why do you think I put Isaac on the stand instead of Ezreal?

I’m a Queen, not a King. >:(

Being quiet rather than loud, but he’s loud-mouthed all right

King is a genderless description in medieval times. (I’m pretty sure someone from ToL once clarified this to me)