[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Grand trial = my way or highway = anti town AF = only scum use it

Stop pushing on confirmed townies…

Well, Math. Have you heard of different opinions of thing?
If you haven’t, let me break it down to you.
I see something a way, you see something a different way.
I use my grand trial as GK, you use your grand trial as EK.
Different opinions = different actions.

Also, I may have a opinion of you being converted because you are pushing on confirmed and cute townies. :slight_smile: But hey, atleast I didn’t put you on the stand.

If you’re confirmed I will stop. Right now I see a group of three looking desperately to who they can mislynch right now.

I see a “confirmed” hunter try to mislead everyone from the real issue, which is your witchhunting.

Hey your opinion is logically impossible and it’s because I am pushing on you. OMGUS at its core.

From your position town or scum I am confirmed yes. The only way I am not confirmed to you is if you are scum. If you wish to claim scum go ahead.

Why don’t you go push on the non claimers, instead of someone who claimed and is present?

I don’t care a bit if you think I’m converted or nor.

I hunt everyone and make 0 apologies for doing so. You’ve been defending Priestess based on bad logic and when that gets demonstrated you dig in as if your life depends on it.

Sorry, I claimed Princess to save Priestess from being mislynched.
That claim is very much confirmed by what she is claiming. She gave you her actions, go pick on someone else instead.

Because they aren’t posting and if you are town then we still have the PoE tomorrow.

I will hunt everyone. Fucks given 0. Excuse me if a scumspect says hunt elsewhere. I gotta go to bed and have work tomorrow but this whole “I defended Priestess so they have to be town” is utter nonsense.


Hunts a confirmed Mystic with confirmed links, but hey. Be my guest.

Your logic is bad not ours reeeee

I believe your claim, hun. Do not worry, you are my right hand.

  1. Margaret - Prince
  2. Priestess - Mystic - Semi/highkey confirmed.
  3. CuteAlch - Princess Queen
  4. Frostwolf - Sheriff
  5. Maxwell - Neutral Killer
  6. Alice - Priest
  7. Mathblade - Hunter - Confirmed
  8. DatBird - Fanatic
  9. Cupcakeaj2 - Assassin/Scum
  10. Ezrealoflaw - Butler
  11. Isaac - Mastermind?
  12. Bazinga - Physician - Confirmed


You either have memory of gold fish or maybe I am starting to believe you’re not actually a hunter - can you prove you can bleed?