[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Math isn’t likely converted too many factors otherwise.

Most likely starting unseen or good.

Don’t think we should focus on math today but they are still a suspect

I would ask that the king protect me with the whole can’t convert thing so I can bleed tomorrow and be confirmed.

I’m fairly certain that Isaac defiled FK. One of the first messages that he sent in dead chat was talking about how he was a defiled GK and that he was kind of pissed for me assuming he was an EK. For the Isaac Fool angle to be taken seriously all the things need to be considered.

  1. Firekitten set up a gambit that relies in one of the few specific NKs spawning. This from the get-go already assumes too much.

  2. Firekitten knew how to execute this gambit and benefit from it, and the emotion in his dead chat post was genuine.

  3. Isaac specifically picking Possessor to change his flip. Like, why Possessor when the first thing to pop into his mind would likely be MM as that was what he was accused of being.

  4. Isaac confessing to defiling Firekitten’s flip.

  5. We have three hypothetical neuts here. Isaac as potential Fool, Maxwell as confirmed Warlock, and DatBird as a Fanatic claim. Since there is only space for 1˜2 neuts here, then not all of this can be true.

Hell, it’s also possible that Isaac is not a Fool and DatBird is not a Fanatic either, which is why I want Marg to exe him tonight.

This can’t be brushed to coincidence. Occam’s Razor states that since the prospect that Isaac was a real Possessor is the most simple explanation than it is the most likely true in this case.

Though, this doesn’t explain why Baz only got Assassin from his Exhume. Since Isaac is most likely a truth telling Possessor then he should also gotten Possessor as a killer for Firekitten.

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Occam’s Razor says that Isaac was fool.

Evil Kitten would have gambitted regardless of if it would be bought. He is still forced to maintain the illusion.

I specifically taught him how to run that gambit and have ran it before as his scum buddy. It’s NAI

How are we certain either way.

If baz Flips phys we know they are good for sure but I don’t like how defensive your getting over baz

Look up the game where I was scum Arcanist.

Which gambit?

Continuing to lie after death and how to do it.

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Frost, baz, math or Cupcake.

One has to be mastermind

The only other option is cutealch but her stepping up would screw the unseen in pretty sure

I sure as hell didn’t have any legs to stand on and almost convinced dead chat to res me.

Math isn’t a good lynch tonight.

No I think Isaac attacked Maxwell N1 thats how he knew he’s Warlock.

That’s not the plan either

Point is, for the gambit to work a specific NK would have to have been rolled. For the NK to have rolled AND the NK confessing to defiling FK makes me believe that my explanation holds true.

Though assuming this is the case, it doesn’t explain the kill on Maxwell as this means that in the past day there may still an Assassin at large if Isaac is the NK, though this means that Hja was possibly not an Assassin.

No shit sherlock

What’s your plan?

Don’t test me.

Potentially we also have Dat. Dat claims Fanatic and since we have a confirmed neutral and a presumed neutral then Dat is likely not a neutral as he claims.

You’ve been making bad plays all game especially with scouting a hunter, you really think I’m going to trust you, consider yourself lucky that there are two other good lynches today.