[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!


Look at like every scum winning game

Nerf Prince then fk

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where is the next fol

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That doesn’t do much when scum only have conditional occupations. I really don’t see how you get “PRINCE NERFS” from this game. Interesting.

prob in a month

That would basically make it Mystic

And would basically require scum to waste a convert to nullify it

“Oh wow this class is so broken because scum got stomped when it was alive”

Despite the two scum it executed OPENLY Claiming a scum neutral and it not even jailing the assassin or a mastermind

shut up i wasnt talking to u

I’m not waiting a month or I riot

Dunno, but I’m debating hosting a turbo tmrw

We’ll see lol

i started 2018 October and joined 2-3 i think

Can I has access to dead chats?

host one now or i riot

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if you wanna see firekitten rage then sure


Everyone that actually knows how swingy Prince is, knows it in their hearts

I cant reee


firekitten made me find quotes of soul so we can make fun of him :frowning:

I made it public. It’s more interesting than scumchat. :upside_down_face:

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Didn’t you just say removing Prince would make bd get stomped. By scum

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its 9pm