[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

meant to quote this guy

This is more what he thinks of each player rather then a mod rant

Because baz was likely scum I rather not Debauch them into Prince.

Also Alice wasn’t really a good kill target lol, if I was scum I’d go for myself or King.

Me debbing baz just confirmed they couldn’t be anything but Assassin if I debbed them but Alice didn’t die that would make it safe for me to make them target Prince the next day

Debbing Baz into Marg would have been a good idea though.
Problem with debbing Baz into Alice is … if Baz is not the Assassin, the Assassin might have attacked Baz, and on this way both Baz would have died as Phys and Marg would have died due to bleed.

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Well I have game-solved pretty much, just I am not exactly the guy who stick with the plans/bad memory. FPSing too much, did FK mention?

Baz was 90% scum lol

Then happy houring him would have been better though.

No it wouldn’t it wouldn’t confirm anything

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Priestess I find it very funny how your calling me out on a missplay when you randomly claim court wizard confusing everyone when it wasn’t needed

You can argue that I played “Badly” but I was strongly pushing on Cupcake and baz and I was the one who found baz out to be 100% scum.

Why is it that human beings get so defensive when criticized about something they can do better

I mean, I do the same thing but still.

Because we all assume that we are right lil

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Well… the game would have ended.

It was not my intent to call it a misplay.

I just fake outted as CW because Marg fake outted me as such, and well the game was already solved so I thought, lets confuse everyone a bit and see if I can make them believe it.



Nah I felt like people where acting like I played horribly because I didn’t deb a likely scum into Prince, just in case we had another unseen member

Hey hey hey, calm down, I had no intent or reason to attack your play o.O

I agree with you though that if I had thought about this more I should have realized chances of a fool with me in the game were very small and I should not have outed and just pushed a drunk defense. I also should have been more active such as to notice there had not been another convert and as such a killer being alive the night after I outed was impossible.

Fun Fact: If Soul had HH’d Baz it would’ve been a no-dead BD game which would’ve been fun.


Funfact we would have won either way :^)