[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Hi dad, I’m Queen

Coincidentally, I get home from work at exactly the same time.
I’ll doublecheck the votes first
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day ends tomorrow right?

/accuse alice


They’re mastermind

Alice loves to become king as NK, and pretty much every class. They aren’t prince. Sheriff is not important since most of unseen is already dead. What other class could be so important as to desire not becoming king? Nothing.

Timestamp is now correct.


I doubt it, becoming King as MM is like commiting suicide with no other member left alive.

Anything else that can back you up from your accusation?

Wow day phase still lasts for a while.
I realize my presence here has not been great recently.
Anyone have any questions for me? I have some slight reads but I don’t really trust them at this point.

You’re literally agreeing with me. Alice did NOT want to become king.

Is Alice mastermind? Who is the NK?

You’re missing my point here.

Just because Alice doesnt want to be king doesn’t make her automatically MM.

I am asking you for other proof, you provided none.

/vote Ezreal

Accused Votes Count
Alice Bazingaboy 1/7
EzrealOfLaw CuteAlch :crown: 2/7

With 12 players alive, majority is 7

Hey alch


Ya know…

I wouldnt be surprised if baz is Devil

Provide your case to the court, thank you.

Sorry but dont need to

Reeks of possible bus if it is Alice scum here

Much as I think Alice is scum Ezreal is more likely scum and more than “gut”