[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Yeah I don’t think Margaret would fake claim Hunter after I directly told her I was and it was mentioned in thread as unique. No way in hell Margaret sent that.

Hmm, earlier on Frost did show some ignorance regarding what was happening to the Unseen, so this derop-clears him from being MM. Our suspects should be quite rounded down by now.

According to Priestess she claimed it n1, before you were outed.

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And why do we believe there even is a mystic? Has anyone else gotten a message?

For real whats scum?

That doesn’t seem right. Someone claiming a unique class as scum is suicidal.

Cute and Priestess are very likely in the same faction, since Unseen only has one player then it’s safe to assume they’re both town and Priestess is truthtelling.

Like Unseen or NK in a ToL game same here

Why are you assuming that there isn’t two now? Convert N1 convert N3?

Because it’s day three now lols

We’re in d3…

Cause we are on day 3.


Thanks priestess

So do you claim Hunter?

Course not

You wanted me to claim Prince to mystic?

And no, im not concerned rn

As I just gamesolved

Your Prince? :open_mouth:

Mystic was the only factor I didnt have accounted for

yes son

Then enlighten us.