[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Maybe he is scum?

I don’t know I am not a mind reader. But asking questions to a not poster is fruitless. I would rather sort those who are posting.

It’s possible yes but again if I can’t talk with him I sort those who I can talk to

Specifically we need direct claims from all unclaimed players and actions

Well, he is one of the people who haven’t claimed yet.

Yes he is. But again spamming about a non poster is not productive. Priestess could clear up a lot of confusion and doesn’t why? Why are you so focused on an inactive and grand trialing before this is all settled?

Also who voted for who for royalty?

I voted for Alice.

I voted for myself🤷🏼‍♀️


Do I need to give a reasoning?


Of course.

See, she is mystic.
What did I tell you all?

That does not make sense though with something Priestess said earlier.

What were your actions Priestess?

What was that something?
That she was telepathed?
It does make sense, she can just fake her own telepathy :)))))

I’d rather she explain her actions and clarify the doubt rather than expose my issue and she claim around it.

I see your point of thinking, but I can confirm her as Mystic due to my S/S on her N1. She can’t be a converrt based on Soul not being redirected to himself after Met, meaning that Met was never Fool. I can also imagine that the people being linked can confirm it.

That’s not what I am talking about. There are two ways she can be convert or MM. I would like her actions please before I say more on that.

@anon97870008, please show the court your actions.
Not that the King wants you too, but whatever.

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If Priestess is Mystic then no she can’t be convert or MM.

This does contradict my deduction I had earlier unless Priestess is no Mystic.