[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

Ok who I contract
@discobot roll 1d16

:game_die: 7

I contract myself

You can’t contract yourself, so contract me


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

I’m using grand jury D2 on the next person who tries to talk about love


do u need a hug


I am 100% confused.


Since I have no scum mate that’d be a very difficult thing. It’s be easier to contract the mod.

So you are saying that you are NK?

I’ll just kill u n1

Claiming killer?

Where have you been met

I’m like 99% set on you being scum rn


Sleeping and in school

Saying it again. That’s all you think about what got wrote today?
And then you feign jealousness to quickly dissolve back into the beloved inactivity of Scum!Soulshade.

Do you believe me that I can prove that you’re scum in 10 seconds

/vote Soulshade