[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

just stop

I get it

you hate numbers

lets move on

I love Numbers

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the numbers mason, what do they mean?

Why the hell is this discussion like 600 posts’ worth of content

(That isn’t useful, I have to say)

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Means that they are town

should of been here

Lemme just quickwrap this for you

Meta isn’t the be all end all of reads.

However, they can be used as a supplement for your general reads.

Both are useful, just in different ways.

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I just spacially mindmelded with you.
I was making the same joke on discord fuck

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as long as no one is saying Meta > all i’m fine

holy fuck its 8 am



More like Meta-gross

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I don’t have a meta pun
So instead I ruined your fun
