[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

Therapy is not consistent enough

Something terrible happened IRL
It’s not exactly small

You need the right therapy then. One thats everyday

That doesn’t exist readily

Yeah. I get that that sucks. But your not the only one. I had some real fucked up things happen to me. But I don’t use it as an excuse for being a sarcastic handsome jerk

Yes it does lol. I used to do that like 4 years ago

School Therapist. Branded me as a racist for one comment made during freshman year despite being good friends with pretty much everyone regardless. We can’t talk about anything difficult.
First therapist (outside school). Didn’t help. He just listened, and never really helped. I think a wall to yell at would have been better.
Second therapist. Not consistent. When he was around I was feeling great.

I’ve pretty much given up on therapy at this point.
I couldn’t find what I needed at all, and when I did it wasn’t consistent.

I’ll probably take a break from thread to yell at the world.

Sorry for having to hear my paradoxical, angsty, disgusting thoughts.

Then you need to find a good one. I think I had like 4 bad ones before I had a good one who helped me dealing with my problems. But what im saying is. It sucks that you feel this way. But everyone is here to play a game and just to have some fun!

I am cold and unfeeling towards myself and others.
I hate where there shouldn’t be hate.

That’s the end.
That’s all I have to say.

Apologies all to have to listen to it.




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Other than mech info she has been really scummy

She mostly sheeped

What do you think about marg


I think their dedication to the game is surprising given how much they enjoy BD killer roles.

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What do you think about fire using their vig on them

But I wouldn’t chalk it up to being something to lynch.
The fact Fireslol is probably town does shake up the read a lot to the negative

They are in PoE, ergo it’s fine