[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

Boss is a possible Fool like i said.

Makes sense

I do have my eye on Priestess, and I either lynch Boss today or shoot him tonight.

He can either be NK or neut in most cases he will be immune to attack

did you just read post where I showed where Assassin has to be

I think you forgot I marked him n1.

No you didn’t cuz he was jailed

Then who are you proposing? How about DatBird?

Does Mark count as visit?

Why are there only 4 people playing this game btw

I request bans on every inactive

Well I don’t see him being NK and deciding checks through rng

@Ami are you electrucutioner

Well i told you i read him as Mastermind so yea i wouldn’t mind if fireslol would verify if he’s immune.

I still think since Boss110 wasn’t marked we should up him today. Twi can check me as Maid.

Would datbird really claim sheriff so early as mastermind

Who knows? /shrug

Okay, can every single person here conf that we all think Boss110 is scum?

Can I just say how there has to be in scum in baz/twi/fire/dat again

Wait who was the 2nd person to die again

I can but is it really nessesary? Real talk