[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

Or double votes or whatever.

Yeah… I admit I was kind of stupid for not exeing him N2

vc doesnt show double votes. if i seem a bit harsh its cause im a bit saltly haha

You have every right tbh, I mean I didn’t really do much either.

you’ll get better its fine. Just dont vote willy nilly near L-2.

Alright, kiddos,
I shall take my leave, I probably won’t appear for a while.

Until we meet again! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:



I played like shit. One I was pushed D2, one claimed sheriff which wasn’t that bad since I could probably have faked it better and made it work, but also said my frame was GREEN CHECKED! WTF was i thinking. Then when day 3 came around instead of going with my frame as a redcheck i said another GREEN CHECK to another person just because I townread them. D4 I framed bazinga because I was like he seems somewhat scummy so maybe I can push a lynch on him. Then because of a mistake I gave up, and got quick lynched over Priestess when I was confirmed devil but whatevs. I honestly dont know what the hell I was doing. Another great part was I didnt read my whole class card and didnt know I had a defile, that could have been just what i needed in a confidence boost to push a “red check” earlier. This is something I need to work on is just go for it and stop being scared to give my opinions, and actually push. SO you know what no matter what Im gonna give these next couple games as much pushing and effort as I physically can so I can improve. Also yeah my logs were shit I was going to write a whole read list trying to semi help but also screw with town, but didnt get time to do them since I was lynched before my work was over. Overall a terrible game for me, but I learned how to play Devil after I died and I hope I get to try them again.

Great Hosting by the way, Solic, Met, and the VC Bots were great and responsive so thanks for that. Had fun with everyone and ty so much


Oh yeah dat should have also been insta lynched with that claim

other thing I noticed about this game while skimming

come on I wasnt that bad, they didnt need to lynch me


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you mean sweet?

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that too


“Hunter d2 claims are always legit”
“Baz is either right or they are scum”

“Meta is overrated”

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Well, when you have a bunch of people just active lurking and doing nothing then it’s kind of easy to seem solved.

Also, it was kind of obvious that I wasn’t scum this match as otherwise the Prince would have died n1.

How would prince die n1 if they had a merc

Also just realized merc lost.

If the game wasn’t called off i would of made you my target baz

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We were going to get priestess to ask you, but yeah we figured you would side with us

when did you get converted baz?