[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

That’s where I’m at when reading it, but he spends a lot more time softing Maid then he does trying to signal Warlock

you call her a neut based on no reason
she says that shes playing like a nk
you’re implying that a nk would out themselves day 2


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alice said shes playing the same playstyle as when she plays nk or something

Ngl, this is basically my go-to strat as NK.

The strat being referred to is that they always go to try to become king as nk


That’s not important to the case here.


yeah bazinga is strawmanning

Moustache has contracted alice gg

Neut bloc formation

this is cancer lol…

if we don’t have a lead why don’t we up baz cause hes a detriment to BD winning.

/vote Bazinga

@PoisonedSquid do you want me to just protect you night after night then?

Please do

alright ill guarantee you’ll last 4 nights, after that you’re on your own


I’m not big fan of policy lynches besides voting fireslol is better if you ask me.

Although there is no need for rush. :upside_down_face:

This is a bad point to bring up. She AtE’d in NinjaGuns and was town there.