[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

Also What I just looked few FoLs And they had RVS And How does game having mechanical info removes RVS unless all invest out at start of game

Accused Votes Count
Alice Bazingaboy,Hjasik :crown: 3/8
Fireslol Twil1ght, Margaret, BlueStorm, Boss 4/8
Moustashe Isaac_Gonzalez 1/8
Bazingaboy Moustashe 1/8
Boss110 PoisonedSquid, Geyde, Alice, Kai_5 4/8
Margaret Fireslol 1/8

Anyone here

i guess we’re going no where

Inb4 main wagons are TvTvT

people keep bringing up past games as a defense for this game

How is that a bad Defense tho

Example action x is considered as scummy but there is Person y Who does x always as town And there is Person z Who accuses y of x
Why wouldnt it make Sense for y to tell that they do x every game they have And isnt scumtell for them

It’s barely a lead, just cause someone was acting a certain way the previous game as a certain class doesn’t mean that they’re the same class this game for acting the same way. Its witch hunting basically. It’s also a cause for elitest behaviour where if you weren’t in previous games to see how a person acts then you don’t get an opinion on that person. Each game is different, so we should treat each trial on a case by case basis. The so called leads you get by reading someone’s fingertips rarely matter in the grand scheme of things.

This is why anonymous names are so important

There’s a logical extreme to this, so all meta tells should be taken with a grain of salt all the time. They may guide the read, but shouldn’t define it since meta can be overcome.

You can Check someones game and playstyle of people are different Thats Why you need to consider it when making reads for example you cant read experienced player same way you read new player

I don’t think meta gaming should be allowed

Thats Where youre Wrong And not How you make scumreads at all

you’re not playing the game at that point, you’re playing the player

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completely defeating the purpose of the game

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Like for the case of Alice Hja.
Their AtE doesn’t make the case for them being scum. The case for them being scum resides strongest in their change of tone between d1/d2 alongside other bits about scummy motives


Meta is exactly How I caught math last game like What youre saying here is completly Wrong And can be checked

I think x is scum.
People aren’t convinced if ‘it’s because I said so’, and I could have misread.

The reason why x is scum is y, z, and a. Actions they have made that come from an anti-town agenda potentially, how they approached a read, and how they interacted with a known scum.

is there not a way to play with random names or something?