[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

L-3? OH WAIT REALLY! So how many votes are on me?

Datbird claimed redcheck on you

3 away from being lynched. I’m the sheriff and you came up unseen.

Ezreal Of Law - Noble

N1 - Gossip 9 - Nothing happened to your target last night!

Ok lit thanks for that amazing log

That means the guy who got debbed into me has a frame ability

Or your evil who knows

Can you force vote someone

So We can confirm youre noble

Who on who?

me on HJ

Wait a min. You can’t force as Noble

yea you can

Am I allowed to copy paste my card?


Am I allowed to say what I can do?

Y e s

Dont quote or copy and paste

Alright well. I can gossip about people and tell others their kinda ugly. And I can place a bet on someone whos gonne die tommorow. And well. Im a royale B O I

ok noble

if you want to