[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

@fireslol vote alice they are trying to get you killed because you’re new and easy to lynch. I think they are NK or scorned

Why did this whole Alice wagon start anyways?

Cause bazingaboy is trolling, pay no heed

@PoisonedSquid No experiments. >:(

You’re the one trolling by discrediting me and my intuitive reads, so just let the master work. Youre just mad because I’m doing something “meta” or “social” that you can’t understand and don’t like for whatever reason.

I still feel susp about Boss’s knight claim though.
/vote Boss
I know Marg isn’t gonna get voted up so I’ll move to other people I think evil.

The argument on Boss is that he jailed with one death and he’s also a knight claim.

The argument on Alice is an unfounded guess (“read”) that Alice is neut because she acted similar to how she plays neut in previous games

That’s the only reason why people are voting Alice, cause she could be a neut, basically conjecture

We really need Alice to claim. If alice is NK (greencheck means not evil faction) they will kill me at some point and outsmart the rest of you. Getting them to claim right now gives them much less maneuverability later. We can easily just jail Boss again to see if one kill happens.

Why would boss claim knight if it’s suspicious? Not like he has a night action to fake.

Alice would 100% have claimed if they were bd already which is why I’m even more certain they’re scum.

Alice knows that if they claim right now they lose 100% as NK (which they are)

So your read is that Alice is NK?

NK or scorned for sure

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/vote alice she is forced to claim after a lot of votes are put on her

The entire case of could be neut makes no sense

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It’s not even that. The argument here is that since I mentioned that when I play NKs I go for King, then I must be an NK, which is downright stupid and the only reason this wagon exists is because this game is full of morons.

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yeah its a false premise in the first place

There. Is. No. Fucking. Reason. For. Me. To. Claim. Other. Than. Making. Me. A. Target.

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theres no point in replying when they’re just trolling

/vote Alice

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By refusing to claim you are already making yourself a target, and doubly so since your “meta” reputation of a good player. The only reason not to claim is to have more space later to fake it as the situation demands to win as evil

At least sheep mine or Hja’s reasoning smh