[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

but they yeeted me

Isn’t Maid a prime MM fake claim?

Pretty sure Bird is town as well. Do a null read like Marg, Blue, or Tw1.

yes i am mm

i would rather do town reads

cuz if they are uncomp then ur yeeted

alice with squid?

I’m so confused are you Hunter or Maid?

maid bro

We have a Merc protecting her…

and lol

Stand Guard (Night) - Protect your target from visits, and grant yourself immunity to death tonight. - 4 uses

so um

theres no way hes not MM

stop forming an argument

Accused Votes Count
Alice Bazingaboy,Hjasik :crown:, Isaac, fireslol 5/8
Fireslol Twil1ght, Margaret, BlueStorm, Boss 4/8
Boss110 PoisonedSquid, Alice, Kai_5, Moustashe, Ezreal, 5/8

don’t reply to this

So called “Pro” conveniently forgets how Merc works so they can have an easier time faking logs.

im honestly stumped on what the fuck is going on. Hell has frozen over

This seems to be fairly interesting, tbh. A few things I noticed:

  1. Boss and Fires self-pres’ing onto the other one, before fires voted me sheeping these three idiots, imply that we’re likely seeing a NK/Unseen dynamic. Both Boss and Fires claim killing and have been quite wolfy this entire game, and with Boss being jailed and missing a kill, imply that the Unseen is likely the Assassin.
  2. Since I null-read Tw1, Marg, and Blue while TR’ing Squid, Kai, Mous per extension as she’s Squid’s contract, and Ez then I’ll assume that Boss is likely the Assassin and Fireslol is the NK with either one or two other Unseen on Fireslol as a CW to save boss.

Ultimately Firestlol is the better lynch over Boss as while an Assassin can be replaced, the NK cannot and should be taken priority over the Assassin.

@PoisonedSquid @Ami @Moustashe @EzrealOfLaw

It’s CFD time. Fires is technically a better target as he’s more likely to flip Assassin than NK.

/vote Fireslol

@Isaac_Gonzalez @DatBird

Check either Tw1, Maarg, or Blue here. I’m quite sure we’ll likely find the MM and the convert here.