[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

Because how else would we be at this many posts

Anyway, Hjasik, we’re not lynching Alice, so stop trying to do so

Like hell in a cell from WWE.
Haven’t you watched it?

Because I don’t need to as it’s extremely mechanically unlikely that I’m not BD.

Remove Scum

Delete fool

She also used the same strategy in our previous argument…

I don’t even watch WWE

But you can still be scum So it wouldnt hurt if you answered My case?

Read between the lines ffs

Hmmm :thinking:

What do the numbers mean Mason?

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I don’t use AtE. My comments before were because generalized stupidity drives me berserk.

The fact that you three were pushing me over Baz just spamming the thread that I’m the NK over nothing really pissed me off.


Idk why you guys listen to baz or isaac

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/vote Fireslol

Boom bye scum

Did you know Issac actually has the most words in this forum?

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What reads did you Expect in RVS

To be honest, I’m surprised Marg isn’t as rage inducing… heck, she doesn’t even cause any rage. Idk what’s going on anymore

yeah and it’s all shitposting, he also has like 7 fake claims