[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!


It’s GK

Or an IK (Idiot King)

you know I had my hunches

Don’t call people idiots or I will smite you

Who’s idea was it to crown this bitch?

She didn’t use grand trial

It’s just joke

Geyde Paladin conf

That’s what they all say.
Mod v Mod

I just made case before And you dont seem to want To answer it but you highlight unreasonable pushes on you as argument to ignore reasonable one

Sigh, who did you GT?

Is joke why mad

She didn’t use it

I think that’s pretty obvious and I hate every bit of it

I’m actually Archer and I want to prove myself so…Any Chance you guys have anyone you want me to shoot tonight?

You will see : )

How is pushing a green check a reasonable push day 1


Shoot hj if we can’t kill him

You GT Alice didn’t you?