Because it’s obvious Assassin kill Possesed
How is it obvious?
Because you are NK So you know it wasnt you Who made that kill?
Uh, how is it obvious dude?
Look at how many post there is talking about how “obvious town” Possesed is
Just in case HJ joked…
/vote Boss110
Can you unvote So there wont Be hammer
And Thats Why assassin killed them instead of NK
Who did you Mark N1
It’s Assassin who did the kill because only Assassin would go for such obvious target like that
Because there is chance they run into knight And die?
But would an Assassin kill an obvious target when they could have gotten healed?
You see Hjasik… Don’t questions my logic
Almost all NKs have way to counter knight Defense
Boss110, but he was jailed.
And for What reason did you mark him
Also Why are these wagons at thing just Let then kill each others
Honestly none, I didn’t have many reads at all since I’m new, so I just marked whatever name came to mind.
Firelols shoot boss
Boss CS firelols
He tried to kill me but it failed obviously