[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

Wait, if Bluestorm doesn’t get a chance to give a defense does he not get to speak at all?

Ok I reread his day 1 was bad but he got better day 2 And has big difference in post count he shouldnt be todays lynch but

Should remain in vig thunderdome

He dies

Hi twi

Alright, guys real talk, how the heck did you barely any progress during my absense?

fireslol and Boss’s thunderdome is quite possibly SvS, couldn’t we just lynch one of them and jail the other? If somebody believes at least one of them is innocent, i would apprieciate to see an actual case.

Also question for those who were on Alice’s Train, is there any good reason you voted them besides “Meta”?

I honestly have no idea how Alice got seen as NK all of the sudden.

Yes I explained it either way meta is Good reason to vote would you vote me if I was silent?

Youre the one Who should make case On them being scum
No reason for them not to vig each others

Except if we were both BD we would just end up killing two BD members. And besides, what if one of us is occupied/redirected?

We will end up lynching them otherwise

Other one will kill


Alright, let me interrogate you if you don’t mind. How is possible that when they claimed Archer/Knight, they didn’t even try to suggest to confirm themselves one way or another? Like for example, for fireslol it took entire day after they claimed to realize that.

Boss during D2 was flip-flopping quite a lot and thus i have no reason to believe they can be BD.

Expect in case this is indeed Assassin vs NK, tell me do you really believe they would willingly attack each other especially Assassin who would have nothing to lose if he would decide to not follow your plan in this scenario?

There is at least 3 starting scum in this game. If it’s not you then who?

They claimed knight/archer So they are scum
Confirm themselfs attitude doesnt have to be there

Thats not a read

Assassin would die NK has reason to attack their thunderdome

We can just make fire attack alice tell alice to bear And boss to CS fire

That works too

Look, I already accepted that I’m gonna get lynched, Boss is gonna exed at night. I think Boss is NK so I’d rather him not cause any damage.

If boss is scum then he is most likely assassin because his knight claim is weak after him being jailed N1 he could have claimed anything else dont see How he expected to survive till Late game with that

Fire Late posting makes me think there is Good chance he might be town while I still think there is chance he’s scum night vig is better

But why wouldn’t Archer/Knight wanted to confirm themselves in case of threat of possible mislynch?

That doesn’t answering to my question.

Boss would Expect missing kill