[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

What’s n2?

N1 (Possessed) N2 (Margaret) :roll_eyes:

Don’t you have a starting target as Maid?

No i don’t have a starting target.

Then match me and Margaret tonight, it’ll clear me as Archer.

So neither boss or fires killed each other? Wasnt that like the plan :thinking:

To be honest I thought Boss was jailed by Prince and exed.

If neither boss or fireslol are NK we have a slow rolling killer like druid

That’s what Alice said they wanted to happen, and I assumed it happened.

Uhh is Druid still a thing in FoL?

Well Alice was visited by Unseen and Issac was killed by Archer(I assume is Margaret) which means either NK is druid ORRRRR…

Electro bro is I just checked

Boss was jailed last night right?

Has ezreal claimed I think he is NK

Or mastermind I guess

He claimed Noble, really unlikely for them to take this particular fakeclaim if they’re scum.

O shit noble @EzrealOfLaw who did u bounty

Twi, he bountied Twi.

Also Priestess claimed Neutral while you were absent.

deletes forum

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