[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

/vote Boss

/vote Fireslol

Accused Votes Count
Twil1ight bazinga,kai 2/7
Fireslol Datbird, priestess,Poisonedsquid 3/7
Priestess moustache 1/7
Boss fireslol,Twil1ght,ezreal 3/7

Just noticed xD disco brocoli right?


Because Boss was in jail last night and there were two deaths. This one’s a Killer claim as well
Although I’m indecisive as fuck with Twi being all pissy about the bounty but then again, I don’t trust Kai, so…

And why Fire? Rn I think hes not that sus. I’d say Boss. Or me. I can confirm myself tommorow but boss is 99% NK

A hunter got a kill and someone else I think. Not NK tho

So you’re thinking Assassin used two for one last night?

Wait? Hunter got a kill? How?

Margaret claimed they killed Isaac.


Also i can verify whenever 2 for 1 was used or not tonight.


Yeah thats why were not killing @Twil1ight today. Im gonne put a bounty on someone tonight and I need some proteciton. But who tho? It’s my last one so when I use it. Their fate is sealed

Stop pinging the poor lad…

Shit I always forgot to not @ people sorry @anon97870008 (Im allowed to tag her tho! :smiley: )

Accused Votes Count
Twil1ight bazinga,kai 2/7
Fireslol Datbird, priestess 2/7
Priestess moustache 1/7
Boss fireslol,Twil1ght,ezreal 3/7

Is it really nessesary to use Bounty right away? You can use Gossip to for example confirm i’m not Mastermind. :confused:

Hey I’m pretty opposed to being shot, like I dont see why you think I’m MM at all. Like if you want I can check you tonight and see what it comes up as. I’m a town investigator that is bringing down the PoE with my findings like what’s making me seem scum. My pardon on Bluestorm? That was gutread that was extremely wrong, we dont always get everything right. Also why would a unseen in general vote pardon when it was 4 to 1, that would just make them look sus.

If you payed attention to what i said you would know already pardoning BlueStorm wasn’t the main reason i suspect you.

Also you don’t give any alternative options to who may be Mastermind as now you’re on top of PoE list.

One of CW claimed they were barriering me entire game so it more than pointless.

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