[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

Hello My little assassin

What was ur check Twilight

He checked a neutral as compatible with BD :thinking:

Omfg im dumb. Well anyway. Kill who you want lol. Do keep in mind my passive is on bird so yeah. I guess let Prince choose who he rather wants to kill xD


here ya go

Margaret and Priestess were Compatible. Although he claimed Alchemist who visited Isaac N2 in same night he died. :thonk:

Twilight checked me as compatible with the Archer

Yes that was weird, that’s why I announced I visited Isaac

Alright so my 4 braincells can only understand that I placed a bounty on someone. No idea what else is happening atm lol

@PoisonedSquid Who are you jailing Priestess or DatBird?

ok at this point if youre town youre literally gamethrowing

Okay you have explain that to me, I’m literally finding all the evils right now

Pretty much ur bounty is pointless since Im neut, even though Twi and Hjasik say I cant. Priestess claims net but is compatible with a BD which makes them pretty much confirmed lying and now yall are figuring who yu should exe or jail. Like Im just gonna sit back and have fun while yall try to figure out if im neut or not

Eh since when are neuts incompatible with BD

im pretty sure always, I think merc might be but other than that I think they are all incompatible

Have you ever played ToL :thinking:

Yeah im pretty sure they show up as green checks but as incompat when maid checks

Neuts in general are compatible with everyone, there are only some exceptions when the win con from the neut is prohibiting winning together - also Scorneds/Fools are incompatible with everyone.

So Priestess what do you think of the currrent situation, we have four neut claims, 1 of them being the dead nk, who do you think is lying out of me you and Mous