[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

Hey look sething I agree with, shame it’s cominh out of a scum’s mouth :frowning:

Eh, fine for me, exe me then >.>

Just read today it’s a good read plus I’m confirmed devil. I survived Fireslols shot because my passive. Like no Unseen would be able to do that. I got caught by the Baz jailed thing but u know what it dont matter since imo u have all day to find the other two converts and exe Priestess. Beleive what you want but I’m flipping devil 100%

Well… no unseen would survive that, except of Mastermind of course.

I’ll try get you to live to the next day you vote priestess

Sure I was gonna a vote whatever Hjasik did since they seem GK but I’ll do this for now
/vote Priestess


/vote priestess

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Ehh, fast and furious.
Either a fast win or a fast death.
I like that.

Accused Votes Count
Datbird Ezreal,moustache, bazinga 3/6
Priestess Twil1ght,Datbird,Kai 3/6

I guess I have to vote you then, since I have to try to survive as neut
/vote Datbird

Queen commands everyone to unvote

Not implemented in FoL.

Priestess in what world am I scum, if u beleive ur a neut and I’m mechanically cleared, the only other Neut is Mous. So it’s you or her, one of yours lying. It’s up to you though to decide

Sure /unvote

why does it auto do that thats kinda dumb

/vote self

wait, thats illegal

Accused Votes Count
Datbird Ezreal,moustache, bazinga, priestess 4/6
Priestess Twil1ght,Kai 2/6

You can’t selfvote

I had to try /shrug