[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

it’s 100% different

Yup, the forum got an update

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Imagine if I was EK

@Kirefitten Try clicking my PFP or checking the DM

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Does not kill the target if they are bd however if they CS bd they don’t show up with logs

TKs went ham on each other

Can’t they just say who they’re going to cs tho

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tru but there must be a solution somewhere


Ye, me and Baz were hacking :wink:
Never gonna give up, never gonna keep breaking down, our kingdom will come. We don’t need mislynches to win. Just never stop coordinating, calculating and giving your best.

Archer’s Mark and Knight’s Guard also are very different powerwise. You can kill most NK’s through death immunity with Knight Guard, just not Possessor in most cases. You can bypass their defenses, by just lynching them or finding out they are death immune and then lynching them. Prince is supposed to deal with larger threats.

You can’t kill any NKs with knight guard

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lol no one guarded outted maid

why did marg even kill me lmao

Well you were pretty sus and pretty mean