[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

besides bipolar sorry

if theres another term i’d be happy to use it

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There really arent many terms other than that

Other than

Which are both just repititive. The other term is more straight to the point and understandable for new language learners.

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i wasn’t using it as an insult of anything just describing his actions

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Even if Alice was neut they wouldn’t be a high priority hang like Fanatic/Warlock.
I don’t get the case for them being neut either.

These terms should work to answer it.
If you didn’t mean it that way then that’s fine.

yeah its just bazingaboy making shit up, i don’t think he’s trustworthy

But this post.
This fuckin post

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He has done that before

The way Datbird went about their greencheck was awkward, but I think they are legit.

Also they didn’t have to out information there to drop suspicion on them, as it would only cause more suspicion to be on them with their comment.

those terms tend to be used in a logical sense, whereas bipolar is used in a behavioural sense.


It’s a low chance.
And I don’t get the case supporting it

Who did convert you

yeah there’s no basis that alice is a neut in the first place, it was a off hand comment by a troll

I wasn’t converted

So Why are you protecting your scummate then I dont believe you were starting scum

The way Isaac is approaching today is puzzling

How does that info make them sus

DatBird isn’t scum