[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

@Moustashe could you read through that and give your thoughts on it?

What stands out, what do you agree with, what do you disagree, etc

Doesnt make then scum this game

You do understand How bad that argument is youre speaking like there are never mislynches And Its always certain Who is scum


that’s an outlier, what happens when you catch them once with reading, what about twice? will they always be the same class? Will they always act the same way when they’re that class? People improvise all the time. Your “meta” won’t work on the vast majority of people.

There is chance they arent scum Thats Why We cant lynch them for that can be applied to almost every case

That’s why I don’t just use meta. I also use everything else

Why are we even arguing about this

If someone is purposely going against BD how does that not make them a scum suspect.

Because #@&$

because meta was used to defend isaac and bazina and used to throw suspicion on alice

Youre basically saying that because there is small chance someone isnt scum they shouldnt be lynched in this case no one would ever be lynched Expect in cases Where cop can make a redcheck And Its modconfirmed they cant be messed with

I don’t know about Baz but I am sure Isaac is town, even without meta

That’s the point you’re making, oh.
I want to lower that chance

Isaac thinks Squid is Scum, pretty sure that’s anti town

You can almost always find a way someone is town

Thats already big chance

I mean chance of fucking it up
Lower that

He is allowed to think whatever he wants, it’s not like he is a prince and going to execute Squid for no reason! (Right?)

Neither is this AtE natural She had few votes in RVS

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