[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)


Nah I am busy dealing with scum. Trying to play 4D chess to see if I can figure out buddies.

You believe someone was occupied and not jailed? Why?

/vote preistess

Who did you occ n1 possessed if youre butler

Jailed target is 100% not gonna put they were jailed. Prince is NOT gonna HC with NK around.

Only relatively safe person to out info is a butler.

I love you Baz don’t ever change

Interesting since Blue already outed he thinks I am Prince. Fun times.

We aren’t using the P word around here Math.

Prince prince prince

Whatcha gonna do about it scumslipper?

Accused Votes Count
H_Hjasik 1/7 BlueStorm
BlueStorm 5/7 Blizer, EzrealOfLaw, Shurian :crown:, Isaac
Possessed 1/7 Bazinga

Isaac is voting me I think? Or Possessed if troll votes don’t count

Highly encourage you to find a real baddie :upside_down_face:


/vote blue fix

Nah I didn’t vote

Don’t quick hammer blue.

Still playing chess.


I believe Possessed Killed Dat, because he saw Dat softing, and knew since he was death immune

Basically, im saying Possessed is NK here.

And you’re town because?

Thats up to you to decide if im town or not tbh

I know i am town

and i believe that possessed, htm, and blue are scum and should be killed.