[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

Because you want to get a chance to convert tonight??

Don’t make me hunt your iso it’s midnight I wanna be lazy

Sorry alice didnt want to catch you via mechanics just wanted to see if you were a possible convert with littlebird :confused:

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I fucking began d2 pointing out Poss’ change in tone and then I began d3 pushing him?

Would I seriously fucking bus my MM like that?

You should know by now that such low lvl reaction test won’t affect due to my power lvl

You can belive whatever you want hjasik but I’m the real observer and this game is now over

Yes. You would however would or wouldn’t isn’t the discussion. It’s whether I believe Bazinga or not.

Pretty much as the only confirmed town and non convert I gotta piece this together

Maybe? Poss was already getting suspected, pretty sure.

Jail hjasik lynch alice and gg

Observers don’t observe they act

Especially since Possessed was dead to rights after I caught the slip.

Can we actually cut it out with the idiotic reaction testing when we’re trying to gamesolve via mechanics?

Alice got too gutsy and wanted to lynch me instead of just killing me

I have a n3 check as well that will confirm me :slight_smile:

Are you really an Observer?

Then out your results already.

I’m not sure if that’s the best idea yet but I’ll do my n1. I stalked possessed and failed. Spooky right?

Why are we having a mass-claim again…?

…how did you fail tracking Poss?

This is the meme I posted to you earlier.