[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

do you think she is more scum or town based on it

Well no one really is discussing anything so how am I supposed to question things :thinking:

Fair point. It’s kind of why I said early d1 reads.

I mean she is contributing a bit, but there is nothing really else to work with so I’d say a:

Null / Slight-townlean

So youre townreading someone who is scumreading you am I right

Yes sorta.

Someone scumreading a BD doesn’t mean they can’t be BD

and what would you think about someone else townreading someone who is scumreading them

would you think of them as more village or scum based on that

It really depends on the situation tbh.

Someone is scumreading someone day 1 based on metaread but they townread them back

Basically what’s happening rn?

I wouldn’t scumread or townread (maybe a little townread since they are contributing) the person unless they gave bad reasoning in which case I’d scumread the person as bad reasoning could be used to white knight someone.

So what would you do as scum in that situation then?

What do you mean by that?

Assume you were mafia and someone scumread you day 1 based on meta what do you do

I’d ignore so it could self-resolve itself somehow, unless someone brought it up right into my attention in which case I’d panic.

So you wouldn’t try to get towncred by townreading them as you said before you think to be towny?

Nah I would usually mess up somehow if I did defend myself as scum.

Oh really you would rather give up than try to defend yourself? Your play in TvB says otherwise

Where is my play in TvB?

You playing as scum in town vs bandits