[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

Because starting MM and Assassin are dead? Unless youre saying they still can turn into MM during D3 when they aren’t so?

Oh no! It’s almost like I said evil king when Shurian broke plan.

And no death means no assassin means Wazza wasn’t a fool

@htm do not vote ezreal see above

If shurian is the only evil left why are you against my plan? They will die and we will win the game regardless

Lol yes confirmed town is MM lol

Like who converts soul?

I get you have to grasp at straws but c’mon

Shuri, we’ve been through this.

Any and all Assassins will turn into the MM before N3

I have so many questions
How did Bluestorm get their checks right as Maid? They didn’t even claim you know?

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Now excuse me if I dont want to waste time talking to 3 scum Im not going to try and convince those who arent going to listen since they ARE SCUM

Oh fuck I didnt know

How could you not

It’s been the topic of discussion the last 2 days

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I dont care. Show me how town can lose with my plan or shut up. Thank you

Shurian is EK.

I am going to bed

I am finding it really hard to enjoy this game atm

Lynch Ez

Good night

Already did

Good night

I didn’t really pay attention to it
Oh shit im gamethrowing

Ez is MM with a Squid/you convert that attacks two people tonight

That’s how


And in case you haven’t noticed, Hjasik is not Sheriff


So the plan requires me being scum got it. Well I know I’m not scum so that one is out. Next?

Not just you, Squid works too.

Squid cant be mastermind they had an occupy

They occupied someone where onlym astermind would be present next