[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

Because 1) you may be lying
2) Blue didn’t confirm it as he said he couldn’t.

Look you shoudnt act like that. The moment I die everyone will see im Drunk and like Isaac said. Your dying then

Isaac can’t decide who to jail based on your flip though.

And the only way I am scum is if converted N1

If in some weird shenanigans world you flip drunk I will do what I can to help Isaac in jail if I am. And if not then I will do what I can to stop likely assassin kill.

This game isn’t about MY survival.

It’s about towns.

The most likely answer is that Shurian is just EK and bleed ends it.

However we have to be vigilant for all possible worlds. Which if there is an MM you converting Bazinga last night is most likely.

im jailing squid math heal me

I mean kill me. Then you see im drunk. @Isaac_Gonzalez can you jail exe Math then?

no im jailing u

Okay thats fine I guess. Can we kill Math then? If hes town you can kill me. I mean im pretty sure hes n1 convert.

so soul is n1 convert?

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I think so


/vote ez im jailing squid

Gives Isaac a bottle of wine

I know what I will do tonight.

Intent to hammer if you’re ready Isaac?

Oh wait not hammer I asked Shurian to unvote lol

Accused Votes Count
EzrealOfLaw 1/4 Isaac_Gonzalez

Yo can you do me a favour tho. When you see im drunk can you kill Math. Hes been trying to get me killed for 2 days already

Just jail him idk

@Isaac_Gonzalez jail one of Math/Baz.

I’d jail Baz and have Squid occupy Math while I gossip it.

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I won’t be able to confirm or deny anyone if game goes on.

Yeah, I wanna make sure Math can’t heal Shuri if he can even magically do that if he’s scum I’m pretty sure that’s not even possible, but eh