[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

yeah, I literally said “Mornin’” as my first post.

When do I ever fucking do that?

That’s a point Alice originally brought up and definitely turned some heads. Its not a usual post from you. I think you may have to get the idea of posting ‘lol boring class’ out of your meta.

fuck off. ._.

Hey Wazza let’s calm down first. Second

I dont know if this is just me, but I had no clue what classes you considered boring other than knight, so why lie and say you had an interesting one if you didnt, especially if you recently played a knight game and didnt do this


Extremely Boring:
Cult Leader
Any Cult apart from Apostle
Literally any BD class.
Slightly Interesting:
Any Neutrals
Neutral Killers

Is that what you wanted?

No I wanted why did you say it was interesting when it wasnt

Considering I did that in a recent game, it’d be VERY obvious I was Knight again and make me an instant N1 target.



okay honestly fuck off,

no one wants you here if you aren’t going to say anything important.

Yep lockscum

I really want throw more evidence at you Wazza but it doesnt even look like I need it.

That’s all I needed

Okay I’m done.

Lynch me

/vote WazzaAzza

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I’m bored anyway and got more games to focus on apart from a stupid Knight game.

Only scum self vote :thinking:

Wazza if ur knight what was your night plan if u werent jailed?

Guarding Magnus.

I always guard the King, last time I did it I killed Hjasik the Reaper.

That was actually my N1 plan aswell.

So you think people would attack Magnus? Why?