[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

You are now after me and Alice brought to light that Wazza would say he’s a boring class if he’s actually a knight and its likely that he’s NK because NK isn’t boring. Your first post had no mention that he could even be NK, only assassin.

You wagoned Wazza NK.

You wagon me for one post. If you have others, please by all means analyze them. However, unless you are a sheriff, your slip indicates that you had prior knowledge. I highly doubt after making the one reference to Hja and her meme claims that THIS is the game you believe her in.

That is a good question, because its the one thing thats fully stopping me from committing to your lynch non-stop. You hate playing protective, but your earlier quote, stating that you had an interesting class contradicts yourself, but then you say you said that as a lie, so that you could go under the radar as your class.

Like, your claim here and your behaviour are stumping me a bit rn

All right, your full on shade throwing and are hedging pretty bad rn

If you actually beleive im scum, YOU FUCKING VOTE ME

I waggoned Wazza because hes likely the NK

There is no wagon on you at all, i have no idea where that is coming from.

But you know what, thank you for giving me the idea

/vote Poss

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There it is, the scum vote.

We got the MM boys.

2 Things. I like the idea of jailing you but there is one problem. If everyone knowns NK/cultseen won’t attack. Second. If you want me to not vote you it’s not a good idea to say ‘‘You really are annoying aren’t you’’ and not to mention if you die and your good we got one unseen. I mean 1 for 1 is good in my opinion. Same if you are NK

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Your digging yourself a massive fucking grave here

your shadethrowing, your not voting me if you think im scum

So stop with this shit

This is all one big shitshow lol.

Welcome to FoL

Yeah its my 3e or 4th game.

Why would I vote you? If you’re convert, you won’t be able to kill because wed have Meteoro jail-exed. If you are MM, you can’t convert tonight. We got this in the bag tbh

Yeah no one trusts you lol

If you actually think im scum, you vote me

Unless your afraid.

They don’t have to trust me, they just have to trust themselves. The wagon on me is dumb tbh…its literally based on a meme. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Alice was the N1 convert.

@Emilia Without saying who you scouted, answer simple yes or no: Was Alice scouted?





So you want me to vote on the MM/Convert, so NK/Assassin walks free tonight? No thanks.

I think shes the class that wants to die

Without saying who, did you scout this person, lol. No but seriously guts telling me something’s off about you this game kinda reminds me of sfol48, I can ISO in a bit. Just got into work

Holy shit

It doesnt matter if im the convert, or the MM in your eyes

Im scum in your eyes still

Your making yourself look horrible.

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Dat give me an analysis of Blizer too, tell me I’m not going crazy.

Your not Crazy

your just scum.

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