[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

Here they are.

Again I would like to remind people that Wazza is in no way confirmed as specifically the NK as the redcheck that Hjasik claims to have on me is false.

I’ve said earlier in the thread that alice/possessed converted hjasik and are now bussing early since there are already 2 dead bd

IMO we should vote you out and then jail hjasik to be ultra safe. @mathblade

/vote Wazz

Accused Votes Count
WazzaAzza 6/8 Alice, Possessed, H_Hjasik, HTM, Blizer, EzrealOfLaw
BlueStorm 2/8 Bazinga, WazzaAzza
H_Hjasik 1/8 BlueStorm

I am literally now on L-2 what the fuck are you doing?

Whateverrrr guess what time it is!

It’s “Waz Is Actually Going To Do Some Reading Before His Death” Time!

I haven’t had a chance to read yet except a quick skim but if you think I am scum make your case. I don’t see how Alice is scum here or what bussing you’re talking about.

It seems as if Hjasik/Blue are in a Thunderdome and that Hjasik claimed sheriff and two missing NKs and Wazza was jailed and therefore is suspected yes?

don’t you dare vote me while I’m reading.

So what did you do Wazza and what is your claim?

Why don’t you read something and then find out?

Because you’re here and I like to see honest reactions and see if it’s consistent.

So am I accurate in my skim? And what is your claim?

  • Isaac_Gonzalez - Their constant memeing shows a Town way and attitude to the game, when he got in the game his first post was literally an extremely town post. Voting someone Day 1 really is something a Town!Isaac would do. Them joking about that they were going to kill the Prince and that they were Assassin makes the memeing thing more solid as a town play by Isaac. Him also literally placing me in a Townblock despite the fact at the time I had barely posted, if at all makes this more solid that it digs itself deep into the ground. Town Read

  • Meteoro- No wait, Bluestorm! - Despite the fact he literally joined 12 hours ago he has one of the highest post counts, him finding out his slot was claimed to be Assassin might have made him confused a bit but there is a problem. Unlike everyone else he is not hopping on my train and is instead trying to vote Hjasik, a known memer in the community. Despite this they seem to have brains and intellect and are not instantly sheeping on an easy picking who is literally at 6/8 like everyone else. Slight Town Read

  • Hjasik - their posts clearly indicate literally the same Isaac does EXCEPT my gut tells me the opposite, them claiming it was Unseen game straight away indicates that they claim Sheriff from the get go. Though, apart from this, I extremely doubt they would have chosen Meteoro as a night one check, and I personally have a gut feeling that this is not a Blue Dragon. Neutral Read and no, I don’t mean “Null” I mean I believe they are Neutral. Alsooo… not to mention, they called me scum Day 1 yet didn’t check me?

  • Alice - Now this one… I get I claimed they were Town earlier but now I just feel like they are too Town for my liking. I personally want to believe they are town but I’m townreading them way too much and it’s backfiring on me. Their Towny plays, posts and pushes all show what a Town would do and considering Alice is classed as a “Town Leader” I wouldn’t put it on them to not be able to push on players at will at this point. Despite this, I do Town Read them for obvious reasons, I’m just saying I wouldn’t be surprised if they were scum. Not to mention, why would I claim Knight when I had already claimed an interesting class.

  • WazzaAzza - Lock Scum, literally claimed interesting class D1 yet showed up as a Knight which is a boring class in Wazza’s books, actually all classes are boring to Wazza but let’s ignore that fact for now. Was jailed N1 and we had missing kpns, outed as Knight straight when a Knight died and both deaths were from that one Knight, clearly instant scum.

  • Blizer - Their first post of Day 2 was literally voting me for being Knight jailed N1 and their quoted post was my post of me outing, what would be the point in me outing if I’m scum, it’d be too obvious since I’m claiming Knight. Not to mention, why would I claim Knight when I had already claimed an interesting class. Their later posts show them contradicting themselves and going back and forth, clearly deciding which wagon would be lynched more easily. Null.

  • Datbird - I don’t need to comment on them. Lock-Town.

  • Bazingaboy - Honestly I can’t be bothered with reading you right now.

  • Htm - Your posts clearly indicate you taking things out of context like my post on the classes I find boring, you literally only quoted my “Extremely Boring” section and not the part where I literally say every class is boring apart from Neuts Non Killing and Kings, not only that you sheeping onto my wagon made little to no sense, you refusing to comment on my post where I blatantly answer your questions, which may I add, is literally my only post defending myself. It’s as if you wanted to slip that under the rug so no one else could really see it. 50/50

  • Possessed - You sheeping on my wagon for literally none of your own deduction instead just copy and pasting Alice’s deduction and using it on yourself really makes me believe you are very easily scum. You jumped on my wagon to cause a mislynch or to make someone who is not your Unseen member lynched. He clearly knows things about the game thus making me believe he is an easy candidate for a Mastermind or an Assassin very easily. Scum Read

  • Mathblade - You don’t have enough posts for me to comment on… sorry.

  • Shurian - You also.

  • EzrealOfLaw - While yes, you just did the same that Possessed did you attempted to make your own reasoning along with it. But, your most recent posts with you sheeping off my wagon onto Poss’ then back onto mine with no extra reasoning added for your sudden switch (apart from maybe Blizer switching his) has completely made me change my thoughts on you. If you can explain in one post on why my read is wrong on you. Please do. Slight Scum Read

  • PoisonedSquid - You don’t even have at leat 20 posts. Is it even worth it bothering to read you?

Nope, I refuse to state.

Read stuff, you aren’t going to seem town-like without it.

Not only that, my claim apparently makes that set in stone.

It’s 3 am here

Why am I here?

Hey Im gonna pull a you and ask why you are lock towning me. Im just curious tis all

Not here anymore

I refuse to state.

It is based on your class I believe you are.