[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

And Warlock = as Warlock*

that doesnt even make any sense

why would I yolo on poss and then dont even push him

I am questioning your sanity rn

Because of your guilty on Blue.

You expected Blue to be Exed.

Stop it. That is not cool.

Hja is pretty hyper and I think that Math is wrong here


what does that has to do anything with it

why do I yolo flip chagning ability on someone

You couldn’t push Poss while you had a guilty on Blue out.

/vote Bluestorm

Let’s end this farce, I now don’t think there’s any reason not to vote Blue at this point
Math can you tell me any possibilities that Blue isn’t scum?

wait i didn’t jail

And it makes sense you yolo Possessed MM flip he was highly suspected MM?


I’ll consider poisoning you, but… if you’re GK, I die, but I don’t mind dying tbh. I’m not that important

no it doesnt it literally doesnt matter what he flips

Yes. Hjasik Scorned Wazza Fool or Assassin

questioning your sanity even more

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why do I claim redcheck D2 and not push it