[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

math replaced slot in before N2

Why would Poss convert me?

He specifically said in SFoL 49 that I’m a scummy individual

Give me one reason to why Poss would convert me.

Accused Votes Count
H_Hjasik 3/5 MathBlade, Shurian :crown:
Htm 2/5 H_Hjasik, BazingaBoy
Mathblade 1/5 Isaac_Gonzalez

Game is solved imho

Hjasik is Scorned/convert and Shurian is Unseen king.

Game is continuing because Scorned is against us and so is Unseen King

Jail exe Blue if I am wrong and Hjasik is town

Blue would be warlock so no

Get Hja and jail you

I can’t be scum

I am reason no bleeds remember?

Jail me is fine.

But lynch Hjasik.

You do know you can’t change jail targets after the exe, right, Math?

That would mean I would have to be pre-emptively jailed, even when Hjasik flips non-town.

As far as Im aware you can use your day ability to stop bleeds on d2 and then get converted n2. DOesnt prove nuthin

It’s not a day ability. It’s a passive that stops bleeds.

/vote Hjasik

In case it wasn’t, you know, obvious.

Also @bazingaboy Math was warded N2 by Blizer. Not possible.

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Then lynch Hjasik and then game solved.

And N3 as well, just in case you missed that too.

Lynch Hjasik
Poison Shurian

Jail me.

Far be it from me to say you’re not voting her yet

But I imagine you’re giving Isaac time to process his actions?

shows math why I cant be scorned or convert
math:well I will just ignore all that and say that youre scum

You didn’t show that at all. You just said BS.

Why wouldnt we exe bluestorm first