[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

Alice is impossible she was NK.

Assassin is dead as evidenced by only one nighrkill

This is gonna go round in circles unless we solve this thunderdome between myself and Hjasik

So let’s end this once and for all and give me my Minecraft Server.


Lynch Hja
Jail Math
I bounty Bazboi
Ez redirects Blue to top scumread
King WIFOM Squiddo / Isaac.

Everyone else do w/e

Everyone got that?


no its not gonna literally stop getting attention off convert

This really just feels like Unseen King Scorned/Hjasik concert and if wrong people will all be proving themselves tonight so not prover is scum

no stop trying to save convert wtf

Forgot Poison Shurian but yeah

I just proved you why I am not you ignored that and just keep saying same thing

How is this plan saving the convert?

Hjasik is worried by your plan, Htm

This means it’s worth doing

And we’re poisoning Shuri tomorrow

We should do it today to force confirm Butler

because I am not convert and neither is blue and you focusing on this makes it take attention from MM who is getting convert tonigth

Squid is fine, I’m pretty sure.

How do we know you aren’t convert?

Nothing more to see here from today.

Why the fuck would you bounty me boounty mathblade Ive proven im not MM and I cant be converted yet

Squid is already confirmed.

I just proved you

I wouldnt claim redcheck since it outs me and I would know that my other unseen are in danger

Squids only fine if you are.

Squid should still confirm in case you aren’t town.