[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

/kingly vote Solic.


/Grand Trial Solic.


/vote Scumlic :sheep:

lets go!


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Night 1 starts and will end in around 24 hours at 2019-05-29T06:40:00Z Be sure to get your actions in before then!

apologies about the late announcement
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Daystart will be delayed by at most 2 hours. DO NOT post before Frostwolf or Priestess have posted.

Actions are locked in.

This topic was automatically opened after 23 hours.

The sun rises over the horizon revealing the majestic beauty of Castle Adiart in glory days while peasants wake up when roosters crow at the farmsteads and servants at Castle Adiart preparing their morning duties before waking up the King’s invited guests until- -


“W-what was that scream?” spoke one of the guests that peeking out of their bedroom door and coincidentally, all except two missing guests you recognize the faces as you peer towards the terrified servant who drop on their knees covering her face sobbing

“M-murder! Someone is murdered!”

The King’s Guards have arrived upon the commotion to the room where you find:

Margaret is… The Knight

The Knight

Blue Dragon Killer
Armored (Passive) - Your first successful use of Defend will not kill you.
Defend (Night) - You will guard the target player tonight, giving your life to kill their attacker(s). - Infinite uses
Cold Steel (Night) - Choose a player to attack. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will also take your own life. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

(You find during inspection a note left by Margaret:

N1: Coldsteel Boss110

Boss110 is… The Physician

The Physician

Blue Dragon Support
Remedy Studies (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding.
Innoculate (Day) - Prevent a player from being poisoned or bled for the rest of the game. - 1 use
Exhume (Day) - At the end of the night, learn what faction killed a player. - 2 uses
Heal (Night) - Heal a player, preventing them from dying tonight, and curing any poison and bleeding they were suffering from. - Infinite uses
Self-Care (Night) - Heal yourself tonight. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

(You also find a note left by Boss110)

Boss110 - Physician
N1 - Heal Hjasik

Day 2 has started and this lasts for 48 hours until 2019-05-31T08:20:00Z.

Vote Majority is 8 votes

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Marg CS’ing players who I’ve said that I am confident that they are village.

Yeah, this makes sense.

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Also, who was jailed today needs to speak up now. The fact that the only nightkills that we had were because of Marg being Marg means that neither the NK nor the Assassin killed today.

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/vote meteoro

Want to vote met with me?

Accused Votes Count
Meteoro 1/8 H_Hjasik

Margaret should probably be silently banned from rolling town killer classes lmfao

This tone is a terrible look.

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To elaborate, I’d expect a BD player to be annoyed at Marg’s gamethrowing rather than laugh at it. Rn I’d say that in between my TRs d1 that Poss has a fair chance of being the n1 convert.

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Want to vote met with me?

I kid I kid :smile:

I’ve just heard famed stories of the great Margaret D1/N1 plays but haven’t seen them.in action until now.

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Has Met posted? Is this a redcheck vote…?

She vig’d the consensus BD Maid claim last FoL. Didn’t you at least watch how the game panned out?

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