[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

Someone hammer

Yeah no way Wazzas gonna claim knight here as BD
/vote Wazza

I said its a common assassin fakeclaim

he may not be assassin, he could be cult, but its still a risky af claim

Shit did I hammer?

I didnt see Hjasiks post

But if he’s cult, does cult have the ability to kill tonight?

No, we havent

majority is 8

/unvote in case

No u fine fam

Oh Shit

I forgot about Acolyte

So yes, cult can fakeclaim knight and kill

Commuting will post more when not driving

Prince should jail exe met

Are you serious with your redcheck? We already had two BD deaths from a gamethrower, we don’t need any more than that here.


I am

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With you, i cant even tell if you are lying or not.


Personally he could be a number of things including NK.

The assassin comment really jumps out at me like you know more knowledge than we do. Potential scumslip.

The timing on Wazz’s claim also jumps out at me. Why fake claim Knight and admit you were jailed? Unless he’s scum that’s given up, you’d come up with a better fake claim than that. It’s just odd even though the circumstance is against Wazza.

Same, this is why I’m skeptical when it comes to whether the Prince should execute Meteoro or not.

Phys and Knighf dead? rip protection

All I know is prob nothing happened to me

I Forgot Acolyte existed

Also, NK is a thing yes

Ive just seen so many assassin claim knight before, so im used to it being the fake claim for them.

With a Cult killer, its not limited to an unseen fake claim.