[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

IM HERE! I forgot completly sorry. I was in a tournement

Hi Here, I’m dad. But seriously are you caught up on thread?

Well guess not…

Ehm not really sorry. I have a tournement and va job in a few so after that im gonne read the entire thing

Joke is getting old

Quick reads so far
Townleans: Hjasik- overall tone and postings very meta, especially with a pr out in the beginning
Alice- Hey shes hard to read but she seems very town motivated atm
Baz- Honestly tell me this isnt his town meta right now. Trying to death tunnel Alice and others
Isaac- I saw a no u
HTM- Big old gut read as town
Datbird: I snuck a peek at his classcard, he should prob put more effort in this overall low effort game

Magnus: I honestly couldn’t tell you what he’d do with king powers as either allignment, but we will prob find out soon if he uses any of his abilities in a weird way
Soulshade- smallish town read on him but since as per usual theres nothing much to work with he goes here until I see more
Ezreal-2 posts cant get much from that
Blizer: Honestly similiar to Alice’s list I cant remember much hes done this game
Squid: Similiar to Blizer I dont remember any of her posts. Maybe I should reread because based on Alice’s list she did an emotional response which is her town clear but we will see, let me reread

Scum: Possessed: Havent been liking their posts this game. Kinda agreeing with Baz on this one
Met: Redcheck and hasnt been much of a thread presence
Wazza: Hey not gonna go down the list like everyone else, but I still have that plan if we really need the nail in the coffin to scumlock this

So was the axolotl post but you spammed that 300 times. :man_shrugging:

My jokes never get old

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I mean I read a bit. I think Wazza is sus. Are we voting yet or?

They get stale by the second use

Its voting stage

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they aren’t jokes you guys are really noobs

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Now this is a epic bruh moment


Lol so funny, man I really had a hard chuckle at this

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Only Pros would have seen this coming

Calling it next the gun picture


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Go on then.

you legit have posted no reason to think this, have you just read other peoples thoughts or are you going on your own thoughts?

My own ofcourse. I don’t know how to read so ofcourse

Then where is your reasoning? You are merely acting a fool upon many sheep.