[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

No he is assassin and Wazza is fool.

Scorned is eliminated then, Fool isn’t

If Hjasik isn’t truthtelling it doesn’t explain the NK’s actions more than likely if not if I am prince.

Why would Fool want to flip as Assassin instead of NK, as was suspected?

Because no one seems to be NK’d.

Because they said so and more kills at night means less risk of wrong flips.

Now I have DnD which is a much more pleasant experience than this game

Just, after I die, I want Hjasik and Alice tunnelled by everyone with no remorse.

Because, they want to give credence to the current thread, which is Unseen, locking into bullshit and creating more chaos.

Now that I think of it…

Blue, what would you do if still alive for this night?

Hjasik yes if you’re truthtelling.

Alice no. I know what she is and would suspect a fool frame over your check being valid.

Fool is as such
Frames dear Alice (TL much?)

I cant believe I walked into that one

Dat never listens to me, so I’m not surprised. Its just a good thing I caught his soft or wed have 4 town dead :expressionless:

You scum?

Am not

Okay :stuck_out_tongue:

Accused Votes Count
H_Hjasik 1/7 BlueStorm
BlueStorm 3/7 Blizer, EzrealOfLaw, Mathblade

Hey @BlueStorm you’re supposedly a “Maid” right? Your other check?

Wazza, if he’s fool
I don’t know how much chaos this has resulted in, but holy moley.

I realise also
where is NK and what is NK?

It’s actually you and Alice they said

N2 You+Alice = NC

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That’s supposedly last night.

They were a player N1 were they not? Or Metereo was.

They’re missing a “check” or if it’s already said remind me.

He checked math n1 ( Thats what Metero did, maths slot at the time was soul i beleive.)