[FoL] FoL 21 - End Game Discussion Topic

i may have said this before, but you don’t modkill somebody who broke the rules unless their slot is compromised, as modkills are the harshest form of mod punishment that should only be used as an absolute last resort. Especially when there’s a substitute avaliable.

As demonstrated by Alice’s reaction to being modkilled when her slot wasn’t compromised.


Imho she shoulda been force replaced

like it’s not enough for me to say “take away your hosting lisence”, sure, but in future remember that if somebody is violating rules that aren’t related to game integrity you should always force replace them and/or report them to the global moderators.

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If only converts happened before kills :eyes:

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cough tbh i forgot it didnt

That was my first time hosting and I didn’t even know that something like force replacing exists, and I had to act while the other hosts weren’t available, you are going too harsh here.
You might be upset because you would have been available as a replacement, but I can tell you, force replacing her instead of modkilling wouldn’t have changed anything in this game, since she would have been executed anyways.


No, because me with improved skills would’ve subbed into her slot.

There’s always a way out of any situtation. Having a fresh identitiy behind the slot would be enough for me to save myself.

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However, if you want to criticise my handling of the situation more, take it to DMs.

I’m not criticising you. You didn’t know. I’m just posting all this publicly to remind everybody that force replacing is a valid option and should be chosen over modkill whenever possible.

Consider this done then :slight_smile:

Then make it next time obvious that you are not criticising the host, who handled a difficult situation well.
But ehhh, time to drop this topic.

Likewise this is done too.

Imho nothing gets accomplished like that.

My not getting mislynched streak died

Nah you were a proper lynch. Streak intact you weren’t town. Plus you lied about targets

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And about practically everything

And when called out about it and I knew in my gut you were lying you attacked me the player

I didn’t lie about my targets and I outed as basically town neut

Sheet says Bazinga and Possessed were targets

Iirc you said Blue and Possessed

And no such thing as town neut

I said baz and pos were my targets

Merc who has town as target basically is town neut for time