[FoL] FoL 21 - End Game Discussion Topic

My sides hurt from how much I laughed at this

@Frostwolf103 10/10 for the apathy is death reference

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I got 0 pressure all game and I wasnā€™t BD.

Hippo mvp?


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Bazinga called all evils (with exception of EK and Warlock) extremely early.

Worse than death, at least it is rotting corpse feeding the beasts and insects

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He also called me and Alice a team. Baz memes accurately.

I also did so bad that you guys thought there was another MM. SUCCESS.

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Everyone was aware of their softs so that didnā€™t help my ā€œwho should I convertā€ priority. Obviously I knew Hja wasnā€™t sheriff but Alice softed Observer as NK, Baz softed Butler as Observer, Dats soft could have been Prince or Knight (obviously Alice thought Prince bc she killed him haha)ā€¦I mean you guys didnā€™t make it easy.

What would Boss have done when he becomes next MM?

This is especially why I facepalm at the sheer amount of hardclaiming on this site.

A lot of the times you HC early for no reason you often just give convert and kill targets to evils. This game was very good village play as no villager hard-claim until the end.


To make use of Mathā€™s paranoia to my advantage yes


But I need to work on reads
Because I hammered Wazza thinking he was town from his defense
and Poss I had no idea >_>

You hammered without realizing he is jailed n1 with lack of unseen and NK kills?

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That happens

Well at least you didnā€™t end up killing your scumbuddy who was deep undercover whilst you were trying to do the same

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Agreed on the consequences but that should be OOG.

Just because a player fucks up in game doesnā€™t mean ruin the enjoyment for everyone else

I donā€™t get credit for saving Blue and catching Possessed and never on a town lunch after? :frowning:

Well I had to to avoid bad bad misrep but I held off as long as possible

Itā€™s still better than the people who HC d1 for no reason at all, though.

Or who do it with one or two votes on them.

Back in my homesite this would have been grounds to instantly lynch them, but lolmeta.

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